This list was compiled from multiple sources. Here’s the average holiday tip you should give your regular service providers.
Hairdresser: $25 - $50
Nail Salon (if you regularly use the same person): Cost of 1 session
Day Care staff: Gifts from your kids in the $10 - $20 range
In-Home child care provider: $50 - $75 per person
School Teachers: Small gift or gift card. Avoid cash, in favor of contributing to a class gift or gift certificate.
Bus Driver: $20 - $25
Milkman: $20 - $40
Newpaper delivery: $20
Garbage collector: $20 - $30
Mail carriers: There are rules around what mail carriers can and can’t accept. Generally, they’re not allowed to accept cash tips or gifts worth more than $20. Hand-written notes and goodies are perfect here. Maybe a hat, gloves, scarf or something you baked.
(Photo: Getty)