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We received this email from a listener and it just broke our hearts. Please read their story and consider donating to their Go Fund Me page, which is at the bottom of this page.
"We are the Fullmer family. We have Aiden who is 14. Claire who is 5 and fighting medulloblastoma (stage 4 brain cancer). Emmett who is 3. Maggie who is 16 months and was born with congenital heart defects (she requires 2 valve replacements).
This has been an overwhelming year for us to say the least. We have lost jobs because of the full time care Claire requires. Medically expenses have also taken a toll on our family on top of having to spend almost 9 weeks in Seattle washington this summer to get Claire specialized treatments.
Attached you will find a before and current photo of Claire. You will be able to visualize the impact cancer has taken on her little body.We appreciate your time and any consideration for support during this difficult time.
Thank you, The Fullmer Family"
Here is the Go Fund me link for anyone who’d like to help this family.
(Photos: Fullmer Family)