Good News: Man's Kidney and Bone Marrow Save Woman TWICE

It all started with a bone marrow drive that Jeramy Davies hosted in 2010 while he was in college. He registered with Be The Match and 5 years later, he got a call to be a donor for a 27-year-old woman with lymphoma. Privacy rules kept him from knowing who she was for a year, but when he could, he reached out and met the recipient, Kelly Ribeiro and the two became friends, keeping in touch through emails and texts.

Then, Jeramy learned from Kelly’s mom that she had gone into kidney failure as a result of chemo and was in dialysis 3 times a week. He immediately offered up one of his kidneys, and since she already had his stem cells, he was a 100% match. They had a successful kidney transplant on December 18th and she’s doing great.

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