#GoodNews: 11 Year-Old Florida Boys Sending Backpacks to the Bahamas

Cade Fowler, an 11-year-old Florida boy wanted to do something to help the kids in the Bahamas who were affected by Hurricane Dorian. He started Backpacks for the Bahamas on Facebook and started collecting backpacks and supplies like toys and necessities for kids who have lost everything.The Facebook group has grown to almost 2,000 members. Over 300 backpacks have been collected, and over the weekend, 175 backpacks were taken by boat to the Bahamas and picked up by families who needed them.



Good News Update: Jermaine had been saving money for over a year for a trip to Disney World, but recently decided to use his money to buy food for hundreds of Hurricane Dorian evacuees who were traveling through his town. Disney just surprised him at his 7th birthday party with a trip to Disney World.

Video -https://youtu.be/f2WFJYAhdAQ

Original story -https://941kodj.iheart.com/featured/meredith-and-aj-in-the-morning/content/2019-09-05-goodnews-6-year-old-gives-up-disneyworld-money-for-hurricane-evacuees/

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