Drive-Thru Worker Mocks, Yells at Deaf Woman

This is one of the most heart-wrenching things we’ve ever seen. The way this drive-thru worker treats a deaf woman is disgusting, disrespectful, and the worst example of humankind there is.

A deaf woman in California says she was discriminated against by a Jack in Box employee after she pulled up to the drive thru window to place her order. The man told her to go back around to the speaker to order. She posted a video of the incident on Facebook, and said: “Employee of Jack in the Box refused to accept any orders from me. He yelled at me to leave and go drive back to the speaker to order. I repeatedly told him that I am Deaf. Towards the end of the video, once he realized he was being recorded he changed faces and mockingly gestured at the video. I refused to leave the window until I received an order. Sat there for two hours.”

Jack in the Box said they were made aware of the incident and the employee in question has been fired.

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