#GoodNews:Couple Takes in Delivery Driver for 5 Days During Snow Storm

A Texas delivery driver says she feels "amazingly blessed" after a couple offered to let her stay at their home when her car got stuck in their yard amid the winter storm. 

Chelsea said she was on her last grocery delivery of the day last week when she slid off the icy road into Nina and Doug’s yard. 

Chelsea said she notified the couple of the situation and told them she was unable to get back up the driveway. They offered to let her wait inside until a tow truck came, but after several hours of waiting, AAA said her location was "inaccessible due to current conditions."

Chelsea ended up staying with Nina and Doug in their home for the next 5 days. 

“How AMAZINGLY BLESSED am I right in this moment?! Blessed they were willing to let the 'Delivery Driver' into their home in the midst of a pandemic. Blessed that during the time of a food shortage, they were willing to share their meals."


(Image: Getty)

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