(Arkansas) – Last year, 2-year-old Eden nearly drowned in a swimming pool. She was under water for 15 minutes and technically died for almost two hours. Her lack of oxygen resulted in a severe brain injury, leaving her unable to speak, walk or respond to verbal cues. Eden spent 48 days in the hospital.
55 days after the accident, doctors started a series of oxygen treatments to try and help heal her brain. Doctors gave Eden oxygen at a pressure higher than the general atmospheric pressure which increased the amount of oxygen in her blood and repaired her damaged tissue. In just 10 sessions, the Eden’s mom said she was back to "near normal."
Eden has been able to walk and speak even better than before the accident happened. An MRI scan 162 days after the incident showed that the child still has mild residual brain injury but the cortical and white matter atrophy she suffered was nearly completely reversed.
Source: Sunny Skyz