#GoodNews: Watch Homeless Father and His Daughters Reunite After 24 Years

61-year-old José Lopez lost contact with his family after he moved from New Jersey to Miami 24 years ago. He suffered a series of health issues that left him homeless.

Earlier this month, he spent all of the money in his social security account so he could travel back to New Jersey to try and find his family. Once he got there though, he couldn’t remember much about where they used to live. He was picked up by a crisis outreach staffer and brought to the NJ Transit Police Department. Officer Sean Pfeifer helped him track down his family. After more than a dozen calls he was finally able to contact one of his 2 daughters. The officer then paid for José to get a shave, haircut, and new clothes before he met up with his daughters. He also got to meet his grandkids for the first time!


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