3 Things You Need to Know: December 9, 2019

> Russia has been banned from ALL global sports for the next 4 years, including the 2020 Olympics.The World Anti-Doping Agency imposed the ban this morning in response to claims that Russian authorities tampered with a laboratory database to hide hundreds of cases that would have likely tested positive for banned substances.Russian athletes will be allowed to participate in events as independent athletes, but only if they are not implicated in the scandal.




> A recent study shows a spike in face injuries from cellphones. Researchers found an increase in injuries beginning in 2006 as a result of careless cell phone usage. Many were caused by people texting while walking, tripping and landing face-down on the sidewalk, and dropping phones on their face while laying down.




> Man reports his brother for possible donation of dynamite to Deseret Industries in Layton. The store was evacuated.


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