Utahns Can't Travel, Tax Day Extension Possible, COVID Antibodies Disappear

> Utah is among 9 states listed in a travel advisory to East Coast states. Governors from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut implemented the joint-state advisory that mandates anyone traveling from those states must quarantine for 14 days. Penalties for disobeying the quarantine range from $2,000 to 10,000.




> We may be getting another Tax Day extension. You currently have until July 15th to file your taxes. The Treasury secretary says he's not pulling the trigger yet, but is considering pushing the deadline to September 15th.




> A new study shows COVID-19 antibodies may fade in as little as two months. Also, those who are asymptomatic will see their antibodies degrade quicker than those showing symptoms. So even if your anti-body test comes back negative, that doesn’t mean you haven’t had it, just that you probably haven’t had it in the last 2 months.


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