According to human behavioral expert Darren Stanton, you can tell a lot about a person by the type of coffee they order. Here’s what he says about the correlation between a person’s coffee preference and their personality.
- Latte drinkers are boring and not very adventurous. They like a simple drink without complication.
- Espresso drinkers are adventurous, no-nonsense people.
- Cappuccino drinkers are considered fun and open-minded.
- PSL drinkers love a fad, and have a need to be liked and accepted.
- Flat white drinkers tend to be a bit more sophisticated than others, but also a little on the arrogant side.
- If you drink iced coffee in the winter, you’re a 'misfit’ - but in a good way. You don’t follow the crowd. You play by your own rules.
- Mocha drinkers are extroverted, outgoing, and usually quite loud.
- Black coffee drinkers are determined, focused and driven, self-sufficient.
(Image: Getty)