#GoodNews: Plumber Walks A Mile In A Blizzard To Fix Woman’s Boiler

In the middle of the worst snowstorm Rhode Island has seen in years, Shirl Gerlach’s boiler went out, leaving her without heat. She was in tears, desperately trying to find someone to help her. 

“I started making phone calls to try to get help and get somebody in here. But the blizzard was coming in and nobody would come to help me.”

One of those calls went to Jimmy Kazounis, owner of Barrington Plumbing and Heating. Kazounis and his wife, Chase, were at home, riding out the blizzard when the call came in. Chase put on the pressure for her husband to help Gerlach. "She was kind of egging me," Kazounis recalls, "’Come on, we can walk, we can walk.’ And I was like, I knew in my head I was gonna go, because I always go." And so the Kazounises trekked nearly a mile through the blizzard to help their neighbor with her heat.


(Image: Getty)

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